Child & Adolescent Psychology
As children grow at different rates, at different times, so a child’s brain develops. These developmental differences occur in different areas of the brain and it is critical to understand these developmental differences in order to obtain the best care for your child and student. Being able to anticipate developmental patterns empowers a child and their parents to build healthy self-esteem and forge a future of success and positive relationships. For example, a child and parent must understand the developmental challenges that are unique to the transition from toddler to elementary to junior high, and from junior high to high school. These challenges may be particularly difficult for a child with Attention Deficit Disorder, Asperger’s traits or Learning Disorders (Learning Disorder is a health-care term while Learning Disability is a legal term). Downturns in achievement and increases in avoidance and procrastination are sometimes misunderstood, causing the problems to increase. At Family Success Consortium, we will help you and your child understand these developmental challenges and create a treatment plan that will help manage these transitions most effectively.
All services with Dr. Mark K. Evans, Psy.D. are individualized to meet the needs of each family. All services are confidential. Call our office today to set up the initial meeting at 513.772.9300.

Types of Developmental Disorders
- Attention Deficit Disorder
- Reading Disorders
- Learning Disorders
- Separation Anxiety Disorder
- Asperger’s Disorder
- Oppositional Defiant Disorder
How to get started
Importantly, not all Developmental Disorders are equal and not all children will benefit equally from Psychological Services. For this reason, we start with a comprehensive clinical review of background information, testing results, physician consultation and clinical interviews with the student and parent to assess the “fit” between our programs and the family.
Pediatric Developmental services require active involvement of the parents. Meeting with the child and the parents is a research-based decision and yields significant increases in outcome results. Obviously, parents have an enormous capacity to influence their child’s development, and working with parents to implement strategies at home that coincide with and support the work the child is completing within individual meetings with the psychologist is emphasized. In these individual meetings, the student and psychologist work to create a trusting therapeutic relationship, helping the child understand their fears and develop effective coping skills for these fears. In therapy there are not pressures of everyday demands, such as at home or school, therefore the child can safely and confidently learn how to overcome barriers in their life. Moving forward replaces behaviors such as withdrawal, acting-out or avoidance that were typical of their previous functioning.
Read more about FSC psychologists who specialize in this practice area:
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Hyde Park Office
2650 Madison Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45208
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