Margaret J. Rinck Ed.D.

Dr. Rinck specializes in helping people with depression, anxiety, addiction, abuse, and codependency. Her work with abused women is known nationally, and she is sought after as a speaker and mentor in this area of study. In May 2009 she was honored with the “Be The Scream” award given by Connections: A Safe Place, in recognition of her lifetime work with childhood sexual abuse victims.
Her books include: Christian Men Who Hate Women ,(Zondervan, 1990);
Can Christians Love Too Much: Breaking the Cycle of Codependency (Zondervan, 1989); Avoiding Mr. Wrong: and what to do if you didn’t (Thomas Nelson, 1998) and Finding Mr. Right (Thomas Nelson, 1999), the latter two being coauthored with Steve Arterburn of NEW LIFE LIVE ! fame. Her books have been printed in German, Chinese, Indonesian, Dutch, and of course, English. Bad, Better, Best is her most recent book, available on
Besides these publications, Dr. Rinck has designed curricula for churches, workshops, retreats, interpersonal skills training and college courses. She has been a guest on national television and radio shows including The 700 Club’s Heart to Heart with Sheila Walsh; Moody Radio Open Line, Action 60′s, Something Beautiful with Phyllis Wallace (Lutheran Hour Radio), and Minereth-Meier radio. Dr. Rinck also has served as an adjunct professor of psychology at The College of Mount St. Joseph here in Cincinnati, and at Beckfield College in Florence/Springdale. She currently teaches at Strayer University online.
Dr. Rinck does individual, marital and family therapy. She tailors treatment to the individuals involved, offering the range of services most appropriate to the situation. Individuals usually meet one hour a week; gradually increasing time in between visits as progress is made. Most people are in therapy for about 6-12 months. Marital therapy is individualized, but structured around a series of homework assignments over 6-8 weeks. Usually the couple comes in together initially for one or two sessions, and then Dr. Rinck sees each individual separately at least once to do a complete family history. Further sessions are outlined based on the needs of the couple. Dr. Rinck is trained in the use of Transformational Prayer Ministry,
Dr. Rinck received her doctorate degree from the University of Cincinnati; her Masters of Religious Education from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and graduated summa cum laude from Gordon College with a B.A. in psychology. The Evangelical Church Alliance ordained Dr. Rinck as a minister in 1982. She is licensed as a psychologist in Ohio. She completes continuing education credits in psychology, ethics, psychotherapy, innerhealing and other related topics.
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